Saturday, July 2, 2022


Introduction to Python
Python is open source and is available on Windows, Mac OS X, and Unix operating systems. You can download and work with python for free. Python is fun to experiment and easy to learn.Read more>>
Airflow is a software to author, schedule and monitor batch data pipelines.Read more>>
Built-in functions
Examples of python built-in functionsRead more>>
Database Access
Python database API provides number of modules to perform CRUD operations on databases. Python database API supports number of databases.Read more>>
enum module
Python enum module support enumeration related functionality.Read more>>
FastAPI is a web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+.Read more>>
Every enterprise/web/large application requires efficient logging mechanism to debug in application development phase, maintenance phase. In this tutorial series, you are going to learn python logging module.Read more>>
You can find all the miscellaneous application hereRead more>>
Pydantic is a python library that enforces type hints at runtime, and provides user friendly errors when data is invalid.Read more>>
Pygame: Gaming Library
Pygame is a set of modules used to develop games in python. Pygame adds functionality on top of Simple DirectMedia Layer(SDL) library.Read more>>
Thread is a lightweight Process. Each thread has its own local variables, program counter, and its life cycle independent on other threads.Read more>>
time module
You will learn about about time, datetime, calendar APIs.Read more>>
Useful Programs
Programs on lists, string, numbers time, datetime, calendar APIs etc.,Read more>>

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